New Sustainable Habits and €104,638 for Save the Children

This was the result of Söderberg & Partners' May sustainability month. The aim was to educate and encourage employees to make more sustainable choices in their daily lives. Employees were tasked with collecting points by completing sustainability challenges in Deedster application, and the points were converted into a donation for Save the Children's education project in Ukraine.

Focus on Sustainability

This year, May was an international sustainability month for all Söderberg & Partners employees in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, and the Netherlands. The purpose of the month was to inspire and educate employees about financial, social, and ecological sustainability. The goal was to help employees understand the breadth of sustainability and how we can influence it as a company and as individuals through small everyday actions.

During the month, inspiring lectures and workshops were organized for employees. Additionally, everyone was invited to compete in Deedster teams, where they learned more about sustainability and completed various challenges.

"Our journey towards sustainability is a marathon, not a sprint. Every step brings us closer to our goal. Sustainability month is a great way to engage our employees and get them involved in our sustainability marathon, so we can run further together," says Lingyi Lu, Söderberg & Partners' Head of Sustainability.

Supporting Save the Children's Education Project in Ukraine

The goal of Deedster's sustainability challenges was to reduce our carbon footprint. Each challenge earned points, which were converted into a donation for Save the Children. This year, employees managed to collect €104,638, which supports Save the Children's important education project in Ukraine. The donation helps:

  • Provide psychosocial support to students, teachers, and other educational staff
  • Establish shelters in schools, enabling more schools to stay open
  • Support children who have fallen behind in their education during the war, in the form of so-called "catch-up sessions"

"Thank you to Söderberg & Partners for promoting children's futures in Ukraine. Investing in education during emergencies is not just immediate aid. It is an investment in the resilience and well-being of children and communities now and in the future," said Denis Puzhalin, Deputy Director of Program Development and Quality at Save the Children Ukraine.

Thank you to everyone who participated in sustainability month, inspired others, and challenged themselves by creating new sustainable habits.